To help victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and other violent crimes in Charlotte County. The Center for Abuse & Rape Emergencies, Inc. [C.A.R.E.] works to create safety in our community by helping survivors and by promoting non-violent and healthy relationships by education and example.
“I’ve always been motivated to help women,” McElhaney said. “It’s what I always wanted to do.”
Karen McElhaney grew up in Pittsburgh earning a bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the University of Pittsburgh. She also holds a master’s degree in Social Sciences from Capella University. Karen & family relocated to Charlotte County in 2012 from Canton Ohio where she provided social work at Mercy Medical Center. She currently resides in Port Charlotte with her husband, Don. They have a total of seven children and step-children, and seven grandchildren. She became Executive Director of C.A.R.E. in 2016 bringing over 20 years of non-profit experience with her.
“I want C.A.R.E. to be available for every victim. If you don’t personally know about C.A.R.E., your neighbor does, your family does, and you’re going to get that help. That’s what is important.”
Segment sourced from Charlotte Sun Article by Rusty Pray: Guardian of a safe haven originally printed May 19, 2019
Marie Hicks | Chair
Cynthia Rebholz-Rubin | Vice Chair
Megan Dubbenah | Treasurer
MaryLou Proudfoot Kennedy | Secretary
Judith Harris | Chair Emerita, C.A.R.E.
Sheriff Bill Prummel
Mary Grace Lorah
Brad Swezey
Toni Ivankovic
Lauren Knight
Addie Blackburn
Cait Waksler