Does a person repeatedly watch, follow, or harass you, making you feel afraid or unsafe? A stalker can be someone you know, a past boyfriend or girlfriend or a stranger.
people are stalked
experience the highest rates of stalking
If you’re being stalked, you may be feeling stressed, vulnerable, or anxious. You may also have trouble sleeping or concentrating at work or school.
Every year in the United States, 3.4 million people are stalked, and youth between the ages of 18-24 experience the highest rates.
Most people assume stalkers are strangers, but actually 3 in 4 victims are harassed by someone they know.
Stalking is traumatic. You may experience nightmares, lose sleep, get depressed, or feel like you’re no longer in control of your life. These reactions are normal. It can help to tell your friends and family about the stalking and develop a safety planning.
Call our Crisis Hotline at (941) 627-6000, or our Englewood Area Help Line at (941) 475-6465.
You can also text us at (941) 499-8534.
Save important evidence such as:
Cyberstalking is similar to physical stalking in that …